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個人で使える無料ツールを元に自分の経験を整理することで、自分の価値観や強み、これから の方向性を見出すことができ た。個人カウンセリングではス トーリーを一緒にブレインス トーミングすることでエッセイ の方向性が見いだせ、その後の エッセイを元にしたカウンセリ ングでは、フィードバックを受 けることで自分らしいエッセイ を磨きあげることができた。ま た、最後の大学ごとのカスタマ イズについても、エド先生の豊 富な学校に関する知識を元に、 その学校の価値観に沿うような 形で整えることができた。
HBS 2017

I wanted to be able to have a face to face discussion, and I wanted a counselor who I could enjoy having a conversation with and who would listen to what "I" thought/felt/wanted, instead of just giving directions. Within the limited time that I had, I was able to build a story from zero, which gave me huge confidence that led to successful interviews as well.
Stanford 2017

Ed polished my essays to sophisticated ones. He encouraged me a lot when I felt nervous from score making. He introduced many current students and helped me understand the difference among schools.
(男性MIT 2017

Without Edgijuku services, I could not imagine winning acceptance from any schools. Ed-san motivated me and his advice on essays definitely deepened my story. The interview advice / support was also great. Almost all the questions that I faced to in the real interviews were covered by his mock interviews and advice.
HBS 2017

I found out about Edogijjuku online from blogs, MBA application experience notes, or websites. All of these MBA holders or students made good comments about the services and outstanding results among MBA application consulting services so that I decided to use Edogijuku to help me for story building, school selection, essay preparation, LOR, interview preparation, networking with other applicants.
Kellogg 2017

I cannot make it without Ed's service, so it is hard to specify how his service help me. I would say every perspective. I think his experience working with many Japanese applicants underpin his advice so it was easy for me to follow his advice.
男性Tuck 2017

個性を殺さず、たとえきらびやかなキャリアやアカデミック・バックグラウンドが無くとも、 幅広い視点からビジネススクー ルへの効果的なアピールの仕方 について、エッセイ・カウンセ リング及び インタビュー・トレーニングに おいて指導してくれました。エ ド先生が「I like this essay.」と言えば、 まずインタビューに呼ばれない ことはないと思う。彼の Analyticalな頭脳は それほど信頼の置けるものであ る。 エド先生のエッセイ・カウンセ リングは決して代筆はしてくれ ないスタイルであるため楽はで きないが、 エド先生がくれるコメントはい つも非常に示唆に富んでいて、 自分のエッセイがどんどん深 まっていくのが実感できる。 また、インタビューにおける受 け答えの組み立て方に対するア ドバイスはプレゼンテーション 自体にそもそも馴染みの少ない 我々日本人にとっては圧巻で あった。(エド先生曰く、欧米 人とて誰もが効果的なプレゼン テーション能力を有しているわ けではない とのこと。)
男 性、社費、証券会社勤務、UC Berkeley 2008

Edのカウンセリングなくして 合格はなかったと思っている し、実際結果が証明していると 思う。 Emailの迅速なレスは非常 に助かった。また速いだけでな く、決して手を抜かず、時には 厳しすぎると思われるコメント は、 よりレベルの高いESSAYを 追求しなくては厳しい受験戦争 を勝ち抜けない状況下に必要な ことだと思う。 ただ厳しいだけでなく、自分は まだできると勇気付けてくれる 優しさも持ち合わせているの で、 結果Qualityの高い ESSAYが仕上がった。
男 性、社費、広告代理店勤務、 Wharton 2007

-Quality of the comments: the comments for the essays were always very superb. Ed-sensei always gave great advices to make my essays more logical, powerful, and convincing.
-Priority to the students’ original idea: Ed-sensei always prioritized to make the student’s original idea more powerful, which is very different from other counseling schools. That is what I really liked about Edogijuku.
-Speed: The speed of response was very quick, even at the peak timing. This was REALLY helpful.
そして何よりも、エド先生ご自 身の人柄が素晴らしいです!時 には鋭いコメントを下さり、時 には不安な受験生の私を励まし てくださいました。 私のように自分のエッセイには 自分のアイデアを100%反映 させたいと強く思っていた人間 が、 全幅の信頼をおいて最後までエ ド先生についていこうと思えた のも、エド先生自身の、 受験生のその個性をそのまま最 大限に伸ばそうとされる温かい 人柄によるところが非常に大き いです。 どのようにしたら「強い Applicantになれる か」を念頭におきながら最後ま で絶対に諦めないでほしいと思 います。 そして、自分の気持ちを正直に エッセイで表現していただきた いと思います。それをサポート してくださるのがエド先生であ り、 私はエド先生と作り上げたエッ セイが最終的な合格の決め手に なったと確信しています。
女 性、私費、化粧品会社勤務、 LBS 2008

I don’t know much about the other essay counselors, but it is no doubt that working with Ed is the best shortcut to reach your success. To me, he was not only an excellent counselor who effectively pulled out my ideas, but also like a reliable brother. He does not give me an exact answer, instead gives me a clue to generate my own words. It was not an easy road, but I learned the importance of “thinking deeper by myself” throughout his counseling, and this process will be my lifetime asset. I spent hard times caused by the unsuccessful GMAT, but with his continuous support and encouragement, I could keep my motivation. Email to Ed or join his party at first, and get his motto. Then, you will find your right way for the future.。
男 性、社費、通信会社勤務、 Emory 2008

どんなに急な時でも、誠心誠意 対応してもらいとても満足して います。 いつも本当に信頼できる人に助 けられているような感じでし た。
男 性 30代前半 メーカー  MIT/MOT

ここの教え方は本当に効果的で した。エッセイの添削だけでな く、より効果的なエッセイを書 く為の多くの有意義な コメントをもらえました。特に 私のエッセイの為に、個性を出 す部分そして強調する部分がど こかを教えてもらう事により、 読みやすく、より印象に残る エッセイが書けたと思います。 そして個々の学校にマッチする ようなキーワードも教えてもら いました。
男 性 20代後半 商社  SLOAN MBA

コーネルはリーダーに一貫性を 求めると教えてもらい、面接の 際に非常に役に立ちました。 本当に個々のビジネス・スクー ルの個性に関して精通してい て、 「何故この学校が良いのか」を 明確に教えてもらいました。
男 性 30代前半 コミュニケー ションズ CORNELL JOHNSON MBA

合 格者の喜びの声を7つのポイン ト別にお読みください

Your style is very effective. Your response time is very short. It is effective especially for the applicants who have little time and want to work on essays at night. I was able to do brain storming through exchanging e-mail with you frequently. You understand business and especially my company, so it was very easy to make you understand what I want to write. Your push strategy for Michigan especially helped me.
男性 30代前半 金融 コ ミュニケーションズ Michigan MBA

Face to face meetings were efficient because I could explain my idea with no time loss. The most helpful part was deep and thoughtful brainstorming. On-line/email counseling also helped me work efficiently day and night, mainly midnight.
男性 30代前半 商社 Duke, Fuqua School of Business

I really, really appreciate your service, which was very efficient and your advice truly saved time. Your lessons were also timely and suitable for me. I started my application very late, and it was hard for me to finish my applications through face-to-face lessons only.
男性 20代後半 官僚  University of Washington MBA

Ed sensei understood the culture and Japanese corporations and the typical nature of their employees. Such understanding helps him advise how to differentiate yourself from other Japanese students. Ed sensei also gives live and updated (both official and unofficial) information of various schools, for example, how an admission of a certain school value “leadership” and “teamwork” skills. Ed sensei never wrote essays, but led me to write convincing essays by always asking “why” and “how”.
男性 30代前半 商社 LBS MBA

He understands Japanese language and culture, as well as Western culture. That helped me to express my ideas to Westerners. He eagerly listened to my ideas and tried to "analyze" me. As a result, he found my uniqueness - things that I never realized. His assistance was very helpful in organizing my whole ideas, especially for the interview, which was the hardest for me because it required me to express well-organized, understandable (for Westerners) ideas with my conversational skills.
男性 30代前半 メーカー  University of Minnesota MBA

You offer the most efficient approach for those who have not had much experience writing in English like me. I learned how to make the essays powerful. Your comments were so concise and concrete that I easily found the best way. You demonstrated how to connect the paragraphs and lots of expressions to avoid complicated sentences. Your advice inspired me to find personal ideas.
男性 20代後半 官僚  University of Washington MBA

Your strength is Brainstorming and Idea finding. Your style is excellent, I could discover myself.
男性 20代後半 コンサル ティング Wharton MBA

You helped me to make my essays vivid. Only correcting grammar and structure is not enough.
男性 20代後半 金融  Tuck MBA

I found solutions for writing essays from your perspective and different point of view.
男性 30代前半 メーカー  Rotterdam MBA

I learned how to express my personal experiences in my essay.
女性 30代前半 リサーチ  Yale, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies

私の人生をいっしょに振り返っ ていただくことで、自分の留学 目的、および キャリアゴールを、より明確にすることができました。自己の「チャレンジ」の姿勢に気づかされました。発見でした。自己の特徴を、リアルな感性あふれる表 現で生き生きと描けました。 いいエッセイになったと思いま す。
男性 20代後半 IT  Cornell MS

The individual attention was instrumental for "finding myself". Ed always tried to improve his class reflecting my comments and unique requests and fully customized his lesson for me. エドさんは、常に私の要求に応 えようと努力してくれるので、 この点に関しては非常に満足し ています。エッセイにしろ、イ ンタビューにしろ、生徒一人一 人のバックグラウンドや弱点が 違うわけですから、レッスンが 如何に「カスタマイズ」されて いるか、という点は、講師選択 の重要なポイントになります。 エドさんのフレキシブルな対応 は、非常に大きなアドバンテー ジです。
男性 30代前半 メーカー  University of Minnesota MBA

You had a more personal relationship than other counseling. Believing each other is very important to provide excellent counseling service. If I had not believed you, I would not have told my personal stories to you. Thus my essays would not be vivid.
男性 20代後半 金融  Tuck MBA

I've never heard of such a trainer in the industry.
男性 30代前半 メーカー  University of Minnesota MBA

You were always there when I needed your help. Flexibility & Professionalism those are the two words I would answer to describe Edo-gijyuku. In terms of providing ideas, your imagination, the quality & quantity of the words & phrases you have in your dictionary draw, I will say from the bottom of my heart, FIRST CLASS!
男性 20代後半 金融  University of Virginia, Darden MBA

Counseling helps to make my essay more creative and attractive by including stories related to Japanese culture. I could come up with many ideas though I couldn’t find them myself. The “Why this school” part is most difficult to write when I tried to differentiate my essay from others. But with your help and idea, I could improve my essay with deep understanding of schools beyond Web and Brochure information, especially for Claremont, CMU and Simon. Your information from alumni and friends was very helpful to decide my career goal in line with reality.
女性 20代後半 外資系金融 Drucker School of Management MBA

My thinking style improved more than my writing. I use the skills I learned at work because to write good essays means basically using the same skills needed to write good academic and professional reports.
男性 20代後半 金融  Tuck MBA

Thanks for excellent lessons. My success was due to your help.
男性 20代後半 官僚  Chicago GSB

The counseling was so good and so was the convenience of sending and receiving advice on the net. You always asked me, "Why?" and "How?" in different ways. If I got stuck with ideas, you gave me really good suggestions, which helped me keep on thinking in different ways and did not let me stop there. You were really good at reminding me of my real intentions. Your deep insight into clients' needs and potentials and your beautiful suggestions on writing skills and essay composition make you REALLY professional. You could understand my personality and passion in a way that cannot be explained on paper I cannot come up with any way to improve your lessons. I am very satisfied. Find an excellent counselor like Ed-san! He is the best!!
男性 20代後半 建設  Yale School of Management


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